Edwin M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club
Cordially invites you to a fundraiser reception to honor
Mayor Ed Lee
Saturday, May 5, 2018
San Francisco, CA 94103
Proceeds benefit Edwin M. Lee Community Fund
Mayor Ed Lee’s family has established a charitable fund in his name at the San Francisco Foundation. It will support nonprofits and social causes that were important to the mayor.
All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by the law.
Over $7,000 Raised for Ed Lee Community Fund!
Thank you so much to everybody who came out to our Reception to Honor Mayor Ed Lee on May 5. It was a special event that really meant so much to all of us! Together, we raised over $7,000 in grassroots contributions for The Edwin M. Lee Community Fund to continue the work of the late Mayor Edwin M. Lee who fought for a more just, inclusive, and compassionate society. If you would like to contribute, please visit EdLee.org
Special thanks to our special guests Senator Dianne Feinstein, State Senator Scott Wiener, State Senator Ricardo Lara, BOE Chairwoman Fiona Ma, Board President London Breed, Supervisor Malia Cohen, Supervisor Catherine Stefani, Supervisor Jeff Sheehy, School Board Trustee Emily Murase, and City College Trustee Alex Randolph for coming out and showing support at our event! Also an incredible thank you goes out to our sponsors who made significant contributions to the event – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, PAAWBAC, Laborers Local 261, and United Democratic Club.
Thank you for continuing the memory and legacy of Mayor Ed Lee in San Francisco, and supporting the Community Fund on his birthday. View photos on our facebook page.
[button link=”http://www.edlee.org/” color=”blue” target=”_blank” size=”large” title=”Donate to Edwin M. Lee Community Fund”]Donate to Edwin M. Lee Community Fund[/button]